Bendtner proud Denmark defeat Norway

  Bendtner glad as Denmark defeat Norway


Nicklas Bendtner was the champion of great importance, striking twice as Denmark beat Norway 2-0 in Group H, and was eased to close a six-event infertile spell with the national crew, telling "I was exceptionally blissful to score the several targets. It's been an extended time."

The 23-year-old struck in the 24th and 44th moments to leave Denmark requiring a win in opposition to Cyprus on 7 October to make sure of a top-several completion in Group H. "I was likewise joyful with the method we played the ball advance and got it into feet, with give-and-gos and one-twos," the Sunderland AFC send united. "Whenever we got it through the center, they went reduced, and afterward we went out broad, and this is what made the shots."

Bendtner credited goalkeeper Thomas Sørensen for a critical early recovery, and declared: "As soon as we scored, we took over. Near the finale, we knew that they were determined to play extended balls, and the protectors adapted positively well to that. I think throughout the event we were in control." He united: "I don't know if Norway played severely, but we made it particularly demanding for them to play well, being as how we had terrific spirit and all gave 100%."

"We played quick and speedy, and we knew where to run," united ambushing midfielder Christian Eriksen, noting of Bendtner – who other side Arsenal FC on credit this middle of the year: "He played exceptionally well; you are able to see he's positively joyful. He feels exceptional again following late weeks, when there was a considerable measure of wild things event around his club and where he could play.